My Portfolio

Forever Altered Collection

‘Forever Altered’ collection is my latest work, it is a series of paintings depicting people who have had an influence on my life. I started with an initial idea that I wanted to create large abstract pieces with a meaningful theme. I went on to ask the people closest to me what they thought made me unique. From the answers I received I realised that what made me unique was them, and the impact they have had on me, so I decided to dedicate this body of work to these people.


The paintings were created using acrylics, inks and spray paint on canvas. Using abstract techniques and stencils to create a fusion between abstract and street art. Within the paintings I used colours that represented thoughts and feelings about each individual and whist creating listened to music that made me think of them. Expressing myself through the medium of paint in this way is a passion of mine and feeling the work I am creating is very important to me.My journey hasn’t always been an easy one and the people in this exhibition are the ones that helped me make it, even when the odds were stacked against me.
This is my story told through these special people.
“All that ever mattered and all that ever will.”




My Strength – Paul

(Acrylic, ink and spray paint on canvas.)

For me in my life right now I can honestly say I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for him. He was my strength when I had none. 

Because of him I am grown, because of him I have Luna – my light. 

He is the hard in my soft cuddly world. He is the immovable object in my transient nature. He gives me the opposite point of view when I have considered only one. He is my love.



My Motivation – Kate

(Acrylic, ink and spray paint on canvas.)

Such an important person in my life, she has shaped me in so many ways. This complex paradox of constructive criticism and encouragement has been pivotal in my own development as a person. Her words light fires inside of me that never stop burning. 

I can always count on her in my darkest hour, my biggest cheerleader and true strength. Her words have made me stop and appreciate all I have achieved. I do not take all of it for granted because of her.



My Rock – Mum

(Acrylic, ink and spray paint on canvas.)

My guardian. Through it all she is my constant. 

She saved me in so many ways, never wavering or turning her back. Allowing me to become the person I am today, the person I was always meant to be. 

When all else failed she never did – she is my calm place, my true strength.


My Dark & My Light – Wilf

(Acrylic, ink and spray paint on canvas.)

Through you I experienced my light and my dark for the first time. So much brilliance, talent and lust for life existed in our space. You opened my eyes to things I never knew were there and seeing the word through your eyes was exciting and frightening all at the same time.

I have a tendency to put you on a pedestal – maybe it’s because you died. But I do need to say that where there is so much light inevitably there also has to be dark.

I hope you are dancing with the angels – I know you won’t be sleeping!



My Soft – Bella

(Acrylic, ink and spray paint on canvas.)

I found my precious soft baby (my first baby) alone in the dark. I knew from this first encounter that you had been sent to me. Our animals are so important in our lives and unfortunately often their presence is more fleeting – but no less important.

The playful kitten has turned into a loving lady cat. Her terms are the only ones that matter and I respect her for that.

She has been my friend and my comfort through hard times. A constant when things were changing and I am happy and proud to be her human mum.


My Supporters – Zoe, Lisa & Louisa

(Acrylic, ink and spray paint on canvas.)

There are those people you were always meant to meet, those who were always meant to be your tribe. These three exquisite women have been a crucial part of my journey. We have journeyed together through turbulent waters and beautiful experiences; the birth of children, love and loss, death and grief.

My ‘go to’ girls, when life gets tough or when I want to share success. If I had to face the worst these women would be by my side. Each one offers wisdom, guidance, solace and strength in their own special way. They know the worst of me, they know the best of me – and they love me in spite and because of it all.  

No matter what you have my back and I have yours.


My Balance – Dan

(Acrylic, ink and spray paint on canvas.)

I run mainly on an abundance of emotions and instincts so this man is important for my balance. He has taught me so many lessons about life and people, both personally and professionally. I am a more well rounded, considerate individual because of his influence. 

I used to be much more swift to judge people by my own standards and now I don’t because of him. He taught me that my emotions are my power, to not be ashamed of them but to harness them and do what I was always meant to do.


My Test – Dad

(Acrylic, ink and spray paint on canvas.)

The hardest one to paint. I approached this particular painting in a different way and was inspired when seeing a log on the fire that looked like the profile of a person. My first thought was ‘this is how I paint my father’.

Challenging in so many ways which has definitely shaped me as an individual. Some people say that the universe sends certain people to us to learn particular lessons. I am still learning.

When I was a young person we used to create digital art and it felt like together we could have conquered the world. He always gave me encouragement and confidence to pursue my own creative path.